Monday, December 1, 2008

First Turkey Day!

We celebrated Thanksgiving and Lucie's very first Turkey Day with lots of snow and family and friends on Paradise Hill in DeRuyter. Lucie watched the turkey deep fry in the gargage, went on her first sled ride and "helped" make her first snowman.

Here is the whole Thanksgiving crew minus Ben who took the shot and Lucie who was napping after all the festivities!

And we were lucky enough to stop in for Ugly Sweater Thanksgiving #2 on Saturday at the Jacobson's!


Kelley said...

Seriously so cute!!! I can't believe all the snow...that is Turkey Day perfect! I love your sweater you. :)

The Wells Family Antics said...

Not sure who had more fun, Ben or Lucie. SO CUTE! What a nice family. You are very lucky.